The procedure can be applied on all body areas.
The first results will be seen already in a week after the procedure when brown spots start to scale off. The rejuvenation processes in skin continue up to 2 months after the procedure!
Duration of the procedure varies between 15 minutes and 1 hour.
In order to maximize the results it is recommended to perform 1-5 procedures at 3-4 week intervals. To maintain the results we recommend you to repeat the procedure 1-2 times in a year. The procedure can be combined with other ELOS™ and Sublative™ procedures, as well.
Before the ELOS™ photorejuvenation procedure you will have a consultation with a laser specialist who will determine your skin type, test your skin reaction to an energy pulse and examine any possible contraindications to the procedure.
ELOS™ photorejuvenation is the first and only procedure in the world which is based on using the bi-polar radio frequency and optical energy at the same time making it the best remodeler of skin tissue.
The procedure of skin rejuvenation is based on the ELOS™ technology, which combines the pulsed optical light infrared spectrum energy and bi-polar radio frequency energy. Both optical and radio frequency energy are targeted into dermis as a combined pulse which ensures the effective results and safe procedure.
Common problems
Melasma (pigmentation spots) occurs in 90% of women at the age of 20 – 40 and only 10% of men. Most often brown spots occur in 50-70% of pregnant women and 5-34% of women during taking birth control pills.
Rosacea is a fairly common skin disease among adults. Over 45 million people suffer from it in the world. According to the European research rosacea occurs in about 10% of population. The disease usually onsets at the age of 30-40 and the extent increases at the age of 40-50. Light-skinned blond and blue-eyed women get the disease more often and men generally suffer from more serious forms.