
In case of such symptoms we recommend the following procedures:

Skin damaged by climate

Sunspots, photoaging

ELOS™ rejuvenation

fotovananenud nahkThe main cause for untimely skin-aging is exposure to sun which creates so-called photodamage. UV and UVA rays decompose collagen and elastic fibres in skin by preventing the production of new collagen, damaging cell DNA, producing free radicals and abnormal ties between molecules. This generates wrinkles, change in color, uneven skin texture and, in worst cases, even cancer!

Brown spots

ELOS™ rejuvenation

melasmaMelasma (brown spots) occurs in 90% of women at the age of 20 – 40 and only 10% of men. Most often brown spots occur in 50-70% of pregnant women and 5-34% of women during taking birth control pills.


ELOS™ rejuvenation

tedretähnidFreckles occur due to genetic predisposition and primarily among people with light skin and/or blond or red hair. UV rays make freckles more apparent especially during summer.

Uneven complexion


ELOS™ removal of vascular lesions

ämblikSpider angioma is characterized by slightly higher red bump which is at the centre of little branching capillary blood vessels resembling a spider. By pressing on the breakout the redness disappears temporarily. When the pressure decreases the redness appears again. Spider angioma occurs in many women during pregnancy and during taking birth control pills.


ELOS™ removal of vascular lesions

rosaatseaRosacea is a fairly common skin disease among adults. Over 45 million people suffer from it in the world. According to the European research rosacea occurs in about 10% of population. The disease usually onsets at the age of 30-40 and the extent increases at the age of 40-50. Light-skinned blond and blue-eyed women get the disease more often and men generally suffer from more serious forms. Redness of nose and cheeks can be reduced by removing little superficial capillary blood vessels.


ELOS™ removal of vascular lesions

kuperoosaCouperose is a common problem of tender and sensitive skin when a vascular network appears through skin by generating flushing and redness from time to time.

Flushing skin

ELOS™ removal of vascular lesions

punetavad põsedSlightly flushing facial skin.

Vascular lesions

ELOS™ removal of vascular lesions

kapillaarilaiendidVascular lesions on cheeks, nose, on the sides of nose, on cleavage, etc.

Little blood vessels

ELOS™ removal of vascular lesions

väiksed veresooned näol ja ninalLittle blood vessels on nose and cheekbones.


eMatrix™ Sublative™

kortsudWrinkels are caused due to reduction of collagen (protein of skin texture) and the loss of thickness and tightness of skin. As any material collagen is also subject to aging and starts to slowly decompose in time. Skin cells (fibroblasts) are able to reproduce collagen, if necessary, but this ability decreases with age. As a result, there will be irregularities and little holes in collagen net which cause wrinkles eventually.

Evil brow

eMatrix™ Sublative™

jklSo-called evil brow between eyes is caused by constant wrinkling of mimic muscles and the reduction of collagen and loss of thickness and tightness of skin.

Crow's feet around eyes

eMatrix™ Sublative™

kortsud silmade ümbrusesFine wrinkles or so-called crow’s feet occur around, in the corners or under eyes. Skin loses elasticity and the ability to turn back tight. Aging process may cause the deceleration of bloodstreem, lymphatic circulation and metabolism, cell degeneration and stiffening of collagen fibres which can be first seen in the skin around eyes.

Wrinkles between mouth and nose

eMatrix™ Sublative™

suu ja nina vahelised kortsusWrinkles between nose and mouth or so-called nasolabial wrinkles occur with aging due to the reduction of collagen, loss of thickness and tightness of skin and facial expressions.

Loose skin

eMatrix™ Sublative™
ELOS™ skin tightening

lõtvunud nahkDuring time the tightness and elasticity reduces, skin becomes more loose and fragile. The production of fibroblasts in dermis decreases which causes dermis to become thinner and the production of collagen and elastin to decrease. Collagen and elastic fibres start to disorganize.

Tired look

eMatrix™ Sublative™
ELOS™ skin tightening
ELOS™ rejuvenation
Triniti™ total skin rejuvenation

väsinud nahkAging is a dynamic process which causes certain changes in skin texture and the weakening of functions. Skin is not able to effectively get rid of brown spots, sun damage and dull complexion anymore. The decomposing of collagen quickens and wrinkles, vascular lesions, and other signs become apparent.

Signs of aging

eMatrix™ Sublative™
ELOS™ skin tightening
ELOS™ rejuvenation 
Triniti™ total skin rejuvenation

vananenud nahkAging skin becomes more thin, fragile, wrinkled and uneven mostly due to the deceleration of skin cell distribution, the reduction of collagen and elastin production and the increase of decomposing them.

Liver spots

ELOS™ rejuvenation 

maksaplekidDuring middle and older age skin will produce lentigines or so-called senile or solar lentil-shaped spots on the areas which are chronically exposed to sun light (mostly on face and superficial parts of hands and elbows. Also called as liver spots).

Increased pores

ELOS™ rejuvenation 
eMatrix™ Sublative™

suured pooridIn case of oily skin the skin is thicker and skin pores are increased. Based on the structural specificity of the skin the skin pores are increased in the T-zone of face, i.e. forehead, nose, sides of nose and chin.

Oily skin

ELOS™ rejuvenation 
ELOS™ acne treatment

rasvane nahkSebum production depends on the level of male hormones which starts to increase during puberty. Most of the people don’t have higher level of hormones but the sensitivity of certain types of skin is higher to it. Oily skin doesn’t necessarily produce pimples but it’s definitely a contributing factor for acne formation. Excess sebum makes acne-causing bacteria proliferate more in pores and the risk of pore clogging is higher.


ELOS™ acne treatment

akneAcne vulgaris is the most common type of acne which occurs in about 85-100% of people at some point in their lives. Usually it occurs during puberty and youthhood but may persist or even worsen during adulthood. Most of the patients with acne have oily skin. Acne can be light, moderate or severe. In case of comedogenic acne there are more open and closed comedones and in case of inflammatory acne there are more papulas and pustules. Cystic acne is characterized by cysts, knots and depressed scarring.

Red and brown spots after acne

ELOS™ rejuvenation
eMatrix™ Sublative™

pruunid ja punased laigud peale aknetRemaining spots which occur after the withdrawal of acne breakouts. Post-inflammatory flushing – pink or purple flat spots
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – brownish spots (more in people with darker skin) Post-inflammatory hypopigmentation – white spots

Acne scarring

eMatrix™ Sublative™
Triniti™ total skin rejuvenation

aknearmidAcne may leave different types of scars:
“Ice pick” type of scars are depressed scars which mostly occur on cheeks.
Atrophic scars are flat and thin.
Hypertrophic and keloid scars are higher reddish scars.

Stretch marks or strias

eMatrix™ Sublative™

striiad venitusarmidScars which occur due to excessive stretching and tearing of collagen fibres. Other reasons may be genetic predisposition to weak connective tissue and hormone therapy. Strias occur most often during teenage years when body starts to develop and grow fast, and also during pregnancy.

Unwanted hair

ELOS™ depilation

liigkarvasusIf your hormones are fine and your gynaecologist and endocrinologist haven’t found any diseases in you, the excessive hairiness is a cosmetic problem. Hormonal contraceptives which change the relation of male and female hormones slightly in favor of female hormones, may also help in case of long-term administraton (6 months and longer), in addition to ELOS™  laser depilation and ELOS™  photo depilation.

Ingrown hair

ELOS™ depilation

naha sisse kasvanud karvIngrown hair occurs when shaved from below the surrounding skin and when growing back they get stuck under the skin surface. As a result, this may cause painful flushing or darker unpleasant bumps and in more severe cases even scarring.

Hair follicle inflammation

ELOS™ depilation

karvanääpsupõletikContributing factors for folliculitis or hair follicle inflammation are aplenty: shaving, warm and moist climate, closed synthetic clothing, micro-traumas of skin, pore-clogging oils or dust. Different microorganisms as bacteria and fungi may also be the cause.